a life of liberty

To launch the Designer category for Europe’s biggest online fashion retailer, we created a shoppable drama starring non-binary actor Lachlan Watson. The three-episode series directed by Vincent Haycock follows a fictional TikTok influencer named Leo/Liberty and their fashion mogul father on the night that his empire begins to crumble. The narrative tension between the old world of luxury versus the more fluid, open GenZ mindset underscores the brand’s unique positioning within the category: a world of luxury built on inclusivity, not elitism.

Read more about it in ID Magazine. 

We brought storytelling and shoppability together like never before, giving our audience the chance to buy the Designer outfits from the characters directly within the series. To amplify the show we even had real Tik Tok influencers across Europe play roles in the story and interact with Leo/Liberty over Tik Tok.

 Watch the complete series here.




rimowa - never still